Grand Strategy of The Republic Indonesia Government In Implementing Programs For Toll Of The Sea And Maritime Axis


From the others DPP INSA officials also attended by Vice Chairman Mr. Darmadi Go from PT Soechi lines, Mr. Darmansyah of PAS group. While some familiar name for Indonesian maritime Industry were also present at the meeting as Mr. Rachmat Kuncoro of PT Tanto Line, Mr. Surikno Kusumo from PT Temas Line and Mr. Nurcahya Basuki from Aquaria shipping.

The subject of the meeting was about government wanted to hear direct feedback from businesses shipping in preparedness for the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) era and it is expected that the national entrepreneurs remain biased become master of its own house. Topics hot topic discussed generally the big plan Republic of Indonesia Government in implementing programs for Toll of the Sea and Maritime axis.

In detail DPP INSA give feedback on some government policies regarding;
1. Ship Financing and Taxes
2. The existence Bakamla (Coast Guard)
3. The provisions of Bank Indonesia in terms of shipping transactions denominated in rupiah, which is still a stumbling block shipping industry. This is because generally ship investments made in USD.
4. Making shipping entrepreneurs as an economic driver maritime industry
5. The existence of Azaz Cabotage should be maintained even in the era of AEC
6. Readiness of DPP INSA and national employers in the face of the AEC.

Every input problematic of the DPP INSA is very useful for the government, and Mr. Rizal Ramli seemed satisfied with the meeting that took place from 13.00 to 15.00

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